Friday, February 16, 2007

Do NOT bite the hand that feeds you

Do you ever get those days where you figure that you should rather keep your mouth shut or someone might just die from the poisen your about to spit their way? Well today is one of those days! I hate feeling like this because 50% of the time i'd like to think of myself as a very friendly person. Which i mostly am you can ask Lee! O And Lee you better back me up on this! Haha! As you guys figured from the title this one goes to everyone that has ever wanted to kill their boss! Ever feel that way?


Drizel said...

I want to kill mine every day.......LOVE THAT PIC!!!!

prozac prodigy said...

the funny thing is most people figure it is a love/hate relationship they have with there employers mine on the other hand is pure unadulterated hatred! Maybe it is not just him but for the whole male population! I dont know! Told everyone from the start i have issues..but it makes me special!haha

Gremlin said...

mmmmmmmmm issues... Now that sounds familiar.

Yeah have felt like that so amny times, My whole life I worked for all these hard terible bosses who drove me insane... (That's why I'm me at this stage) But Now I have to say I love my boss, Darn just whish it was a lady, would have sound better...

Nosjunkie said...

You are officially backed in a stricktly non gay way

yes you have my full attention here

Gremlin said...

mmmm what do you wanna know??