Monday, March 5, 2007


So i resigned today, it feels completely empowering to know i have the upper hand for once.

I will start my new job on Monday. any case just wanted to share the good news.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Time for reflection asshole

So upon hearing of the unhappiness here in blog land concerning the new intruder namely Mr MacDonald i decided to post about it. Anyone even consider that this is most probably a very old , very lonely individual? What i am trying to say in a very polite way is that he has no real friends, his self esteem must be terribly low to badger poor innocent bloggers about spelling and grammar of all things! People never listen to him in person because he mostly has nothing nice to say which in turn makes him take it out on other people! I might not have the best spelling, grammar or even vocabulary in the world Mr MacDonald but at least i have friends! Go to a support group if it bothers you that much but stop taking it out on these people! Thanx O' sorry thanks!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Do NOT bite the hand that feeds you

Do you ever get those days where you figure that you should rather keep your mouth shut or someone might just die from the poisen your about to spit their way? Well today is one of those days! I hate feeling like this because 50% of the time i'd like to think of myself as a very friendly person. Which i mostly am you can ask Lee! O And Lee you better back me up on this! Haha! As you guys figured from the title this one goes to everyone that has ever wanted to kill their boss! Ever feel that way?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

mystery of life

The eyes are said to be the portal to ones soul!
How true is this statement really?

Friday, February 9, 2007

D-Day becomes V-Day

Valentines day....Why on earth people would celebrate such a day! In this commercialized world i probably shouldn't say anything about it but shouldn't everyday be valentines! I mean its a day of celebrating love and loved ones! Why does it only happen once a year then...don't you love them every day!Don't get me wrong its nice having someone gush over me for a whole day but it would be more appreciated if it weren't on 14Feb! Just a thought!

Enough said

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

road to confusion

Every now and then a person comes along who changes your life! As i came to realize, that on your road to true happiness(If there is such a thing) one only stumbles onto more confusion which in turn makes life...well life! I guess at the end of the day its those twist and turns, heartache and confusions that inspires true happiness at the end of the day!

Friday, February 2, 2007

sadastic beauty

Funny how sometimes the smallest thing can have a profound effect on a person! Take this picture for instance it just has an amazing feel of freedom yet total confinement about it! Yes i know i am contradicting myself but thats the whole point of this post! how something this insignificant can make a person feel mixed emotions for no apparent reason! O well thats just the ramblings of someone with nothing to do!!!

First post

Hey guys I'm Prozac or I'm on it.... I cant remember

I have been introduced to this blogging thing By Lee

So we'l see if it works but Hi anyway